Jonny Quick

Jonny Quick

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Apprentice Season 2 Favorite Episode

i.) My favorite episode from season 2 that we have seen is episode 4. 

ii.) 1. The task for this episode was that each team had to take an empty restaurant and transform it into something nice. The team who got the better ratings on zagat won the challenge.
     2. The leader for Mosaic was Raj and the leader for Apex was Jennifer. 
     3. Mosaic won and was rewarded by getting to meet former New York City mayor Rudy Guilianni 
     4. The 3 back in the boardroom were Jennifer C, Ivana, and Stacy R. 
     5. Jennifer was fired because they believed that she lacked leadership ability and didn't listen to the thoughts from the rest of the team. 
     6. I liked this episode because I liked to see the transformation of the restaurant that started from an empty room and turned into a high caliber restaurant. 
     7. "Be respected."  
Image result for zagat

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Current Event

Star Wars: Rogue One Marketing Challenge

This article talks about how the new Star Wars movie coming out this Friday has faced some marketing challenges that none of the other 7 movies had to face. Part of this is because technically, this movie is not part of the series and is just an add in between episodes 3 and 4. Also, just last year the new Star Wars: Episode 7 came out, so there was a lot of hype behind that. Episode 7 was hyped up because there was an 11 year period between the making of episode 7 compared to the making of episode 3, the last Star Wars made. Lastly, since there isn't as much hype around this new movie compared to episode 7, it is harder to sell it hard to the public because it hasn't even been a year since the last Star Wars movie came out.

Image result for star wars rogue one

Cheerios Ads 1960s and Now

1960s Ad

Current Ad 

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Chapter 29 Study Guide

29.1 Vocab:

Problem definition-Business identifies a problem or research issue and the information that is necessary to solve it.
primary data- Data obtained for the first time and used specifically for the particular problem or issue under study.
secondary data-Already been collected for some purpose other than the current study.
survey method-Research technique in which information is gathered from people through the use of surveys.
sample-part of the target population that is assumed to represent the entire population.
observation method-research technique in which the actions of people are watched and recorded either by cameras or observations.
point-of-sale research- A powerful form of research that combines natural observation with personal interviews to get people to explain buying behavior.
experimental method- Researcher observes the results of changing one or more marketing variables while keeping certain other variables the same.
data analysis- Process of compiling,analyzing, and interpreting the results of primary and secondary data.
Validity- Questions asked measure what is intended to be measured.
Reliability-Research technique produces nearly identical results in repeated trials.
Open ended questions- Generate a wide variety of responses.
Forced choice questions- Simplest questions to write and easiest to tabulate.

Research Process Steps:

  • Defining the problem 
    • Problem Definition 
  • Obtaining Data 
    • Primary Data
    • Secondary Data 
  • Analyzing the data
    • Data Analysis 
  • Recommending Solutions to the Problem 
  • Applying the Results

Methods of Collecting Data: 
  • Survey Method
    • Sample 
  • Observation Method
    • Point of Sale Research 
  • Experimental Method 

Marketing Survey:
Constructing- Needs Validity and Reliability 

Writing the Questions- Open ended and Forced question, forced questions are preferred.

Yes and NO
Multiple Choice 
Rating Scale Questions 

Basic Guidelines: 

Each question should be written clearly and briefly. Ranking or rating for all similar questions. It is important not to ask leading questions which suggest a correct answer. Avoid bias. No questions that make the respondent guess the meaning. 


Excellent visual appearance and include demographic questions.

Administrating the Questions- All surveys should have a deadline and a purpose to the survey, maybe conduct and interview after of why certain questions were answered a certain way.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Thanksgiving Event

The Fifth Third Turkey Trot

This event takes place every year in Detroit. There are 3 different races that people can run in: 10k Turkey Trot, 5k Stuffing Strut, and the Mashed Potato Mile. If someone completes more than one of the mashed potato mile, it is called a Drumstick Double. People get to dress up in costumes and run these races. This event has been going on for 31 years and is a Detroit tradition.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Survey Response

The idea behind my survey was to figure out good ways to advertise for the hockey team this year and try to get more people to go to the games. I was thinking of using the morning announcements, social media, and flyers on the wall as a way as advertising. I found that everyone who took the survey (10/10 people) has an Instagram, and only 1 person who took it did not have a twitter (9/10 have a twitter). This shows me that making a twitter account and/or an Instagram account would be a good way of reaching out to people. For morning announcements and flyers, it was almost an even split (6/10 for listen to announcements and pay attention to flyers) of people who pay attention to flyers and announcements. This shows me that using flyers and the announcements would not be a bad idea, but would not be as effective as using social media.  I could make my survey more effective by talking more about specifically what the social media would be about, and try to persuade them that following the account would be informative and worth their time.

I had 10 people respond to my survey.

Monday, October 24, 2016


Three ways we can accomplish our goal is by making flyers and handing them out at lunch and after school, making a twitter account so followers can receive live updates on the event, and we can have an announcement read over the loudspeaker promoting our event so all students can hear what it is.

Goal for Project: We pan to hand out flyers and hang up flyers around the school promoting the boys hockey team and their upcoming season.

Mini Survey

Reading Hockey Survey: Please Take

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Team's Social Responsibility

Atlanta Falcons

First Down for Fitness: 
This program is a 3 month program that is designed to challenge 3rd-7th graders to participate in fitness activities, eat healthy and lead a healthy lifestyle. The program incorporates components of the NFL’s Play 60 initiative, the American Heart Association, and Fuel Up to Play 60 nutrition program available through the Southeast United Dairy Industry Association (SUDIA). Players from the Atlanta Falcons go to participating schools and play with the kids, like QB Matt Ryan, WR Julio Jones, and K Matt Bryant.

First Down for Fitness

Toys for Tots:
The Falcons are partnering with the US Marines for a Toys for Tots drive. On November 29, fans are encouraged to bring an unwrapped present to the game so they can donate it. Toys for Tots distributes these unwrapped gifts to kids in poor areas around the Christmas season. Toys for Tots is a non-profit organization run by the US Marines.

Toys for Tots

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

p. 85 Questions

5.1 Assessment

1.) A business is all of the activities involved in producing and marketing goods and services.

2.) The two primary functions of business are the production and the marketing of goods and services

3.) Four ways businesses can be classified are (1) by size, (2) by profit orientation, (3) by market served, and (4) by kind of product provided.

4.) E-commerce is important because it makes buying and selling products easier for customers and sellers. For example, if somebody on the east coast wants something from a business on the west coast, they can buy it online and have it shipped to their door so they don't have to travel all that way cross-country. It also makes it easier for businesses to keep track of their customers and what their stores have enough of and what they need.

Chapter 5.1 Quizlet

5.1 Vocab Quizlet

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

License a Video Game Part 3: Research

In 1940, Edward U Condon designed a computer that can play the traditional game known as Nim. In 1947, Thomas T. Goldsmith Jr. and Estle Ray Mann file a patent for a "cathode ray tube amusement device." In 1965, the first computer football game was created. In 1981, the first Mario Bros game was released. In 1988, the first Madden football game was released.

Some of the early video game devices include Brown Box (1967), Magnavox Odyssey (1972), Atari Sears Tele-Games Pong Systems (1975), Coleco Telestar (1976), and Fairchild Channel F (1976).

In 1975, Will Crowther called Adventure. The game was created on a DEC PDP-10.

In 1976, Mattel released the first handheld electronic game called Auto Race. In 1989, Nintendo released the Game Boy, which was very popular for around a decade.

Image result for early video games  Image result for madden 17

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

License a Video Game: Part 2

Target Market: Brady vs. Goodell 17 is targeting the people who want revenge on satan himself. Roger Goodell.

Product: Brady vs. Goodell 17 is a video game that allows the player to take over the GOAT himself Tom Brady and the New England Patriots and get revenge on Roger Goodell for the unlawful ruling by the NFL to suspend God. Your job in the game is simple. Just win the Super Bowl.

Price: Brady vs. Goodell 17 will be priced at $54.99.

Place: Brady vs. Goodell 17 will be available at all Gamestop locations across New England as well as all Target superstores in Massachusetts. It will also be available at the Patriots pro shop at Gillette Stadium and in multiple stores within Patriot Place in Foxboro. As we expand, we will be available at places like Walmart and Amazon and be included in Gamestops and Targets across the country.

Promotion: At all locations where the game is sold, potential consumers will be able to play a sample game on a device located in the store. Many members of the New England Patriots will make guest appearances across New England on the day of the release at all stores selling the game. These players include Tom Brady himself, Julian Edelman, Rob Gronkowski, and Malcolm Butler. Commercials will also be aired over the jumbotron at Gillette stadium during halftime and in between quarters. Also, we will have signs hanging around the stadium and flyers will be handed out at the ticket gate before each game.  

License a Video Game: Part 1

Game Name            Price                      Locations Sold        Target Marketing    Features
Madden 17
Gamestop, Target, Walmart, Toys-R-Us, Best Buy
Kids and people who enjoy the game of football
“Fancy Feet”
Aggressive special teams
More accurate injuries
Gamestop, Target, Amazon, eBay, Best Buy
People who enjoy an aggressive approach towards football
X-Ray tackles, Campaign Mode, and Precision tackles
NFL Street
Lukie Games, Bull Moose,,, eBay
People who enjoy a goofy and classic football game
7-on-7 gameplay
High step, pitch, and crush your opponents
Style points
Arena style

Monday, October 3, 2016

License a Video Game: Intro

I choose to research football teams because I want to market a football game because it is considered "football season" in the USA. I want to make Matt Ryan as my star player.

Atlanta Falcons
New England Patriots
Oakland Raiders
Green Bay Packers

Wednesday, September 28, 2016


Matt Coughlin
Block F

1.) Gigapets/Tomogatchi

2.) Image result for giga pets

3.) The target market for this fad was kids, who carried them around everywhere they went and took care of them.

4.) It was like having a little pet with you everywhere you went and it was fun to care for them.

5.) They became a hassle to carry around and taking care of it just about 24/7 got to be a hassle.

6.) Websites like Webkinz and Club Penguin put them out of business.

Friday, September 23, 2016


Matt Coughlin
Marketing F
Baby Boomers

1. In 1946, more babies were born than ever before: 3.4 million. At a time, the baby boomers made up almost 70% of the nation's population. The baby boom led to the suburban boom, which was a time when many people decided to move to the suburbs and build a house and start their family there. Also during the baby boom, women were encouraged to leave the workforce and stay at home to watch over the family. Many people used newly created credit cards to get stuff for their family to entertain them. Marketers targeted the affluent kids born in this time to buy their goods. Some baby boomers dropped out of consumerism because they didn't want to be taken advantage of. 


Image result for baby boomers
3. Image result for baby boomers                                                       
4. Two TV shows the baby boomers like are Flipper and Bewitched

5. Two movies during the baby boomer era were The Godfather and Jaws

6. Two magazines during the baby boomer era were Time and AARP

7. Two live entertainment events: Elvis came back form the army and began to rock and Woodstock.

8. Two popular vacation spots for baby boomers are Napa Valley and Florida.  

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Blog Research 1: NFL Color Rush

Matt Coughlin
Block F
NFL Color Rush Uniforms

     My Top 5 Favorite Color Rush Uniforms
       1. New York Giants
       2. San Diego Chargers
       3. Arizona Cardinals
       4. New England Patriots
       5. Detroit Lions

     NFL color rush uniforms are new alternate uniforms that all 32 NFL teams will wear next year. This is the first year the all NFL teams will wear a color rush jersey in a game this year. Fans always love to see new uniforms for their team and fans also love to buy new jerseys when they come out. All proceeds that the NFL earns from these color rush jerseys sales will be donated to help fund youth health, safety, and wellness programs across the country. 

     As an NFL fan, I like that the league made all these new jerseys for each team because I think that they mostly all look cool and can't wait to see them when they are used in games. For marketing, these jerseys are being used to try to increase jersey sales and trying to get more people to watch football games. When people hear of these color rush jerseys, they will tune into the game to check them out and see how they're team is looking and how they are doing in the game. If fans like the jerseys they see, they can buy them and the NFL will use the revenue made from the jerseys to help youth health, safety, and wellness programs. 
Via: "A Look at our top 10 favorite Color Rush uniforms" by Conor Orr (Around the NFL writer)

Blog Post 1: Information

Matt Coughlin
Block F

Blog Post 1

     My name is Matt Coughlin and I'm a junior at RMHS. I live with my mom, dad, little brother, little sister, and dog. My favorite subject in school is English because I like to write. Outside of school, I like to hang out with my friends and practice my sports. I play hockey and baseball, so I have practice almost every night. My favorite TV show is Parks and Recreation because it is hilarious. Usually when I find any funny TV show though, I like to watch that either on cable or on Netflix. My favorite movie is Division 3: Football's Finest and my favorite book is A Separate Peace. My favorite thing to do when I'm not busy is to hang out with my friends, especially on Sundays because we watch all the NFL games. If I could go out to eat tonight, I would go to Longhorn Steakhouse.