Jonny Quick

Jonny Quick

Friday, September 23, 2016


Matt Coughlin
Marketing F
Baby Boomers

1. In 1946, more babies were born than ever before: 3.4 million. At a time, the baby boomers made up almost 70% of the nation's population. The baby boom led to the suburban boom, which was a time when many people decided to move to the suburbs and build a house and start their family there. Also during the baby boom, women were encouraged to leave the workforce and stay at home to watch over the family. Many people used newly created credit cards to get stuff for their family to entertain them. Marketers targeted the affluent kids born in this time to buy their goods. Some baby boomers dropped out of consumerism because they didn't want to be taken advantage of. 


Image result for baby boomers
3. Image result for baby boomers                                                       
4. Two TV shows the baby boomers like are Flipper and Bewitched

5. Two movies during the baby boomer era were The Godfather and Jaws

6. Two magazines during the baby boomer era were Time and AARP

7. Two live entertainment events: Elvis came back form the army and began to rock and Woodstock.

8. Two popular vacation spots for baby boomers are Napa Valley and Florida.  

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