Jonny Quick

Jonny Quick

Wednesday, September 28, 2016


Matt Coughlin
Block F

1.) Gigapets/Tomogatchi

2.) Image result for giga pets

3.) The target market for this fad was kids, who carried them around everywhere they went and took care of them.

4.) It was like having a little pet with you everywhere you went and it was fun to care for them.

5.) They became a hassle to carry around and taking care of it just about 24/7 got to be a hassle.

6.) Websites like Webkinz and Club Penguin put them out of business.

Friday, September 23, 2016


Matt Coughlin
Marketing F
Baby Boomers

1. In 1946, more babies were born than ever before: 3.4 million. At a time, the baby boomers made up almost 70% of the nation's population. The baby boom led to the suburban boom, which was a time when many people decided to move to the suburbs and build a house and start their family there. Also during the baby boom, women were encouraged to leave the workforce and stay at home to watch over the family. Many people used newly created credit cards to get stuff for their family to entertain them. Marketers targeted the affluent kids born in this time to buy their goods. Some baby boomers dropped out of consumerism because they didn't want to be taken advantage of. 


Image result for baby boomers
3. Image result for baby boomers                                                       
4. Two TV shows the baby boomers like are Flipper and Bewitched

5. Two movies during the baby boomer era were The Godfather and Jaws

6. Two magazines during the baby boomer era were Time and AARP

7. Two live entertainment events: Elvis came back form the army and began to rock and Woodstock.

8. Two popular vacation spots for baby boomers are Napa Valley and Florida.  

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Blog Research 1: NFL Color Rush

Matt Coughlin
Block F
NFL Color Rush Uniforms

     My Top 5 Favorite Color Rush Uniforms
       1. New York Giants
       2. San Diego Chargers
       3. Arizona Cardinals
       4. New England Patriots
       5. Detroit Lions

     NFL color rush uniforms are new alternate uniforms that all 32 NFL teams will wear next year. This is the first year the all NFL teams will wear a color rush jersey in a game this year. Fans always love to see new uniforms for their team and fans also love to buy new jerseys when they come out. All proceeds that the NFL earns from these color rush jerseys sales will be donated to help fund youth health, safety, and wellness programs across the country. 

     As an NFL fan, I like that the league made all these new jerseys for each team because I think that they mostly all look cool and can't wait to see them when they are used in games. For marketing, these jerseys are being used to try to increase jersey sales and trying to get more people to watch football games. When people hear of these color rush jerseys, they will tune into the game to check them out and see how they're team is looking and how they are doing in the game. If fans like the jerseys they see, they can buy them and the NFL will use the revenue made from the jerseys to help youth health, safety, and wellness programs. 
Via: "A Look at our top 10 favorite Color Rush uniforms" by Conor Orr (Around the NFL writer)

Blog Post 1: Information

Matt Coughlin
Block F

Blog Post 1

     My name is Matt Coughlin and I'm a junior at RMHS. I live with my mom, dad, little brother, little sister, and dog. My favorite subject in school is English because I like to write. Outside of school, I like to hang out with my friends and practice my sports. I play hockey and baseball, so I have practice almost every night. My favorite TV show is Parks and Recreation because it is hilarious. Usually when I find any funny TV show though, I like to watch that either on cable or on Netflix. My favorite movie is Division 3: Football's Finest and my favorite book is A Separate Peace. My favorite thing to do when I'm not busy is to hang out with my friends, especially on Sundays because we watch all the NFL games. If I could go out to eat tonight, I would go to Longhorn Steakhouse.