Jonny Quick

Jonny Quick

Friday, January 6, 2017

Fun Games

During the Hour of Code, I chose to play Star Wars: Building a Galaxy with Code. I spent the whole class playing it and was able to finish all 12 levels. This game was all about using code to make the game work. You had to create your own code to make the people move and accomplish the tasks that were assigned. The game was made by

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Apprentice Season 2 Favorite Episode

i.) My favorite episode from season 2 that we have seen is episode 4. 

ii.) 1. The task for this episode was that each team had to take an empty restaurant and transform it into something nice. The team who got the better ratings on zagat won the challenge.
     2. The leader for Mosaic was Raj and the leader for Apex was Jennifer. 
     3. Mosaic won and was rewarded by getting to meet former New York City mayor Rudy Guilianni 
     4. The 3 back in the boardroom were Jennifer C, Ivana, and Stacy R. 
     5. Jennifer was fired because they believed that she lacked leadership ability and didn't listen to the thoughts from the rest of the team. 
     6. I liked this episode because I liked to see the transformation of the restaurant that started from an empty room and turned into a high caliber restaurant. 
     7. "Be respected."  
Image result for zagat

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Current Event

Star Wars: Rogue One Marketing Challenge

This article talks about how the new Star Wars movie coming out this Friday has faced some marketing challenges that none of the other 7 movies had to face. Part of this is because technically, this movie is not part of the series and is just an add in between episodes 3 and 4. Also, just last year the new Star Wars: Episode 7 came out, so there was a lot of hype behind that. Episode 7 was hyped up because there was an 11 year period between the making of episode 7 compared to the making of episode 3, the last Star Wars made. Lastly, since there isn't as much hype around this new movie compared to episode 7, it is harder to sell it hard to the public because it hasn't even been a year since the last Star Wars movie came out.

Image result for star wars rogue one

Cheerios Ads 1960s and Now

1960s Ad

Current Ad 

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Chapter 29 Study Guide

29.1 Vocab:

Problem definition-Business identifies a problem or research issue and the information that is necessary to solve it.
primary data- Data obtained for the first time and used specifically for the particular problem or issue under study.
secondary data-Already been collected for some purpose other than the current study.
survey method-Research technique in which information is gathered from people through the use of surveys.
sample-part of the target population that is assumed to represent the entire population.
observation method-research technique in which the actions of people are watched and recorded either by cameras or observations.
point-of-sale research- A powerful form of research that combines natural observation with personal interviews to get people to explain buying behavior.
experimental method- Researcher observes the results of changing one or more marketing variables while keeping certain other variables the same.
data analysis- Process of compiling,analyzing, and interpreting the results of primary and secondary data.
Validity- Questions asked measure what is intended to be measured.
Reliability-Research technique produces nearly identical results in repeated trials.
Open ended questions- Generate a wide variety of responses.
Forced choice questions- Simplest questions to write and easiest to tabulate.

Research Process Steps:

  • Defining the problem 
    • Problem Definition 
  • Obtaining Data 
    • Primary Data
    • Secondary Data 
  • Analyzing the data
    • Data Analysis 
  • Recommending Solutions to the Problem 
  • Applying the Results

Methods of Collecting Data: 
  • Survey Method
    • Sample 
  • Observation Method
    • Point of Sale Research 
  • Experimental Method 

Marketing Survey:
Constructing- Needs Validity and Reliability 

Writing the Questions- Open ended and Forced question, forced questions are preferred.

Yes and NO
Multiple Choice 
Rating Scale Questions 

Basic Guidelines: 

Each question should be written clearly and briefly. Ranking or rating for all similar questions. It is important not to ask leading questions which suggest a correct answer. Avoid bias. No questions that make the respondent guess the meaning. 


Excellent visual appearance and include demographic questions.

Administrating the Questions- All surveys should have a deadline and a purpose to the survey, maybe conduct and interview after of why certain questions were answered a certain way.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Thanksgiving Event

The Fifth Third Turkey Trot

This event takes place every year in Detroit. There are 3 different races that people can run in: 10k Turkey Trot, 5k Stuffing Strut, and the Mashed Potato Mile. If someone completes more than one of the mashed potato mile, it is called a Drumstick Double. People get to dress up in costumes and run these races. This event has been going on for 31 years and is a Detroit tradition.